Week 5


Sunday July 1st:
5 hours: Worship Team Setlist [music media], Worship PowerPoint [graphic design/media technology], Sermon PowerPoint [graphic design/media technology], Sermon Notes [typing/graphic design]
1 hour: Team meeting
3 hours: Media Booth [youth service], Photography [visual communication], Pandora Radio Configuration [media technology]

Monday July 2nd
2 hours: Communication Card redesign [graphic design]
1 hour: Social Media Updating

Tuesday July 3rd
1 hour: Assisted office manager with online ordering
1 hour: Printing and mailing
2 hours: Online Photo Album Updating

Work Samples From This Week:
My Thoughts:
All Sunday afternoon I did the usual print and digital material that needed to be put out. I spent my usual time at the media booth during service, except I spent an extra hour there working out all the cords and computer setup, which is still a hassle but has become less of one as time goes by and I continue to understand how it all works. Monday, since the communication cards on Microsoft Word didn't work out, I decided to order out for my communication cards. I decided to upload my new design to Vistaprint and order cards that way, so that they will be better quality paper and printed on both sides without the work of lining up back/front graphics, and cutting them all out one by one. This is my first experience so far with successful problem/resolution at this job. Tuesday, I assisted the office manager with some online ordering. There has been a recent need for more office assistance, and they have put out a call for help in the office for an hour or two a week. I have decided to sign up for that and get a few more hours learning the print, computer, and internet network ins-and-outs of the church.