Sunday June 17th:
2 hours: New Worship Intern Training [interpersonal communication, music media]
4 hours: Worship Team Tryouts [media booth/printing], Worship Team Setlist [music media], Worship PowerPoint [graphic design/media technology], Sermon PowerPoint [graphic design/media technology], Sermon Notes [typing/graphic design]
2 hours: Media Booth [youth service], Photography [visual communication], Pandora Radio Configuration [media technology]
Wednesday June 20th:
2 hours: Camp Information PDF [graphic design]
1 hour: Website Update [media technology]
1 hour: Facebook CSM Leaders Group Created [social media]
2 hours: Student/Parental Communication [interpersonal communication]
Thursday June 21st:
3 hours: CSM Facebook Create [social media], Photo Uploads [visual communication]
1 hour: Blog [media technology]
Work Samples From This Week:

My Thoughts:
Sunday Morning I tried to get the podcast stuff set up with my supervisor but it turns out that the Macbook I was using didn't have a FireWire port. I have been browsing Amazon to order a USB adapter, but have not ordered yet. I got to show around the new worship intern and help him set up his stuff. I also spent a lot of time on communicating about camp and making informational pages. I have been expanding my communication with others such as my supervisor, the new intern, parents, and the office coordinator, who helped me edit the website. In addition, I created a Facebook page to allow ease of communication between the leaders and students. I'm purposefully trying to work more hours than the regular 15 to make up for the 8 practicum hours that I did during week 1.