Sunday July 15th:
1 hour:office designing
5 hours: Sermon PowerPoint [graphic design/media technology], Sermon Notes [typing/graphic design], Note Cards [typing/graphic design], Communication Cards
1 hour: Leaders Team meeting
3 hours: Media Booth [youth service], Photography [visual communication], Pandora Radio Configuration [media technology], Announcement slides
1 hour: Summer Internship meeting
Tuesday July 17th:
1 hour: Social Media Updating
1 hour: Blog Updating
1 hour: Online Photo Album Updating
2 hours: Main Office volunteering, Burning/Printing/Packaging DVDs
Friday July 20th:
3 hours: Vision planning meeting
Work Samples From This Week:

Sunday I was ahead on work because of the previous Friday's extra work, but I still found time to get extra work done in my usual hours. I got all my printing done early, and then we had a leader's meeting. I also got some stuff made for office, including a door and mail drop sign, desk name, and I also did some layout editing. I am thinking maybe I will also paint, and I need to print and frame some photos. Extra things this week were we had a leader's meeting and an internship meeting. Tuesday I got stuff done online and on the computer, and I also had time to volunteer in the Main Administration Office as they have been needing help lately, and I am glad to help as it would greatly help me learn the internet network and office machinery better which will help out my practicum more.