- Airplane
- Freeway Cars
- Shoes on Rubber Door Mat
- Bird calling
- Trees dripping
- Rain
- Running feet on the concrete
- Girls laughing
- Someone sigh
- Door shut
- Storm Drain running
- Gutter flowing water
- Male Conversation
- Door squeak
- Door bounce/rattle
- High-pitch buzz
- Shoes squeaking on grass
- Car driving though water
- Distant siren
- Professor talking
- Swivel Chair
- Door opening
- Door closing
- Typing
- Whispering people
- Male foreign accent on phone
- Printer humming
- Car honk
I was surprised at all I could hear that I never noticed before. I was also surprised at how when I was blindfolded, I could hear a lot farther away, like sirens and someone honking far away. I was confused about all the people whispering and laughing, I hope it wasn't at me! There were so many water noises, it was hard to describe some of their sounds. It makes me feel like I need to increase my vocabulary.